Low Testosterone Symptoms in Males

Many men struggle with low testosterone. What may seem like a small problem can actually be a major indicator that you are suffering from low testosterone. The best way to remedy this is to speak with your doctor who may refer you to a specialist. Your doctor can show you the best plan of action to try and treat low testosterone so it does not hinder your lifestyle.

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Less hair
  • Less muscle mass

Erectile dysfunction is one of the primary reasons a man will visit his doctor regarding low testosterone. This is especially the case for younger men (those in their 20s and 30s) who are not able to become firm enough to have intercourse. While this can happen from time to time for a perfectly healthy man with average testosterone levels, it happens more frequently for men with low testosterone. If this happens more than once in three month period, it is time to visit your doctor who can assess your testosterone levels.

If a female partner is having trouble becoming pregnant, it may be due to infertility in the male partner. One of the first tests a doctor runs is a testosterone check for the male partner. If this is the cause for infertility, the doctor can come up with a treatment plan to raise the testosterone levels and improve a couple’s chance of becoming pregnant.

A decrease in body hair and muscle mass can also be indicators of low testosterone levels. Sparse pubic hair is also a sign of low testosterone. Not all men have body hair and many have very little, but this is not usually a sign of low testosterone. If you notice a drop in hair growth, this is when you should be concerned. It is the same with muscle mass. If you are losing muscle for no reason, this is when low testosterone should be explored.